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Remote Access for Biomedical Users

Information about off-campus access to resources and services

Logging in to Electronic Resources: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Lebanon users

Do you have a NetID?

Clicking most electronic resource links on our website or in the catalog while off-campus will take you to the Dartmouth College login page. If you have a NetID and password, enter it here and you'll be granted access. Not sure if you have a NetID? Search the Dartmouth Name Directory to find out.

Downloading the VPN

If you have a NetID, another option is to install the GlobalProtect VPN on your computer, which will allow you to access electronic resources off campus without the need to log in.

No NetID? Use Secure Access/Citrix.

If you do not have a Dartmouth College NetID, you'll need to access the Biomedical Libraries website through Secure Access/Citrix. By accessing content through that system, you'll 'mirror' the Dartmouth-Hitchcock IP and be granted access to electronic resources.

Logging in to Electronic Resources: Dartmouth College users

Use Your NetID

Clicking most electronic resource links on our website or in the catalog while off-campus will take you to the Dartmouth College login page. If you have a NetID and password, enter it here and you'll be granted access. Not sure what your NetID is? Search the Dartmouth Name Directory to find out.

Downloading the VPN

Installing the GlobalProtect VPN on your computer will allow you to access electronic resources off campus without the need to log in.