What is the Consumer Health Library?
The Consumer Health Library contains books and videotapes on a wide variety of consumer health topics, such as heart disease, cancer, child health, prescription drugs, aging, and much more. Material in the Consumer Health Library is indexed in the Dartmouth College Library Catalog.
Where is the Consumer Health Library located?
The Consumer Health Library is located on the 5th floor of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (2 floors up from the Main Entrance Information Desk) inside the Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library .
During what hours is the Library available?
The Consumer Health Library is available during all hours that the Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library is open. See our posted hours for details.
Who can check out books from the Consumer Health Library?
Patients, family members, and members of the general public, may check out up to two items from this Library for two weeks; registration and presentation of identification are required. Dartmouth College and DHMC faculty, staff, and students may check out books for four weeks; videotapes may circulate for one week.
Can someone help me find information in the Consumer Health Library?
Any available library staff can assist you with locating the information that you need. You can also email us using our contact form.
Are there specific web sites that I can search for consumer health information?
Yes. Please see the topics listed on the left side of this page for links to consumer health information websites. Please Note: These sites have been selected by librarians, but the resources presented here are intended to provide public access to a wide range of health and disease information and should not be construed as medical advice or be used as a substitute for consultation with a health care professional.