Pop-ups are no-one's favorite, but what if I gave you a pop-up extension that will give you directions to full-text articles, ebooks, and more through the Dartmouth Library for any academic site? Allow me to introduce Lean Library. This plug-in works with Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. While the tool may be of assistance when on the Dartmouth network, it will be especially helpful when you aren't.
Step 1: Download and install the extension: https://download.leanlibrary.com/DartmouthLibrary
Step 2: Select Dartmouth College
Step 3: Start searching! Lean Library will let you know when you are on a website that the library has access to and will help you navigate access to the full text of articles, or direct you to Interlibrary Loan when appropriate.
Step 4: Login with your Dartmouth Single Sign-On
***Please note that Dartmouth Library is actively working on implementation of this new tool and there may be hiccups. If you encounter a problem, please let us know.