Welcome to the summer Research Impact Series!
This last year and a half has been intense, with so much going on it’s possible you've gotten a bit lax about keeping up to date with your online research presence. If that's the case then this research impact series is for you! Over the next eight weeks challenge you'll receive a weekly email with suggested tasks to get your online research identity updated so you’re ready to hit the ground running in the fall. All the materials provided via email can also be found on this guide. I’ll be adding to the guide each week. Questions are bound to come up, please reach out to me to set up a time to talk or stop by my virtual office hours in the Virtual Couch Lounge every Thursday from 10-11am.
To kick things off, your first task is to set up an ORCID ID. This unique identifier will help you differentiate yourself from other researchers with your same name. Your ORCID ID will also stay with you should you change your name for any reason throughout your career. Signing up for an ORCID ID takes only a few moments and is a key step to ensuring you get full and accurate credit for everything you publish.
If you have any trouble getting set up with ORCID please reach out. Otherwise, stay tuned for next week!