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The LINK - Learning, Innovation, New Knowledge

Dartmouth Libraries Teaching and Research Collaboration Suite in Berry 180

Meeting Rooms

To be scheduled daily, weekly, monthly, or term-by-term.

Uses will include:

  • Research consultations with subject librarians in various subject areas and disciplines.
  • Specialized resources and services consultations with library experts in research data, scholarly publishing, or digital media.
  • A Library Usability Lab to study and support UX research, design, and assessment for physical and digital spaces, services, and collections.
  • Faculty teaching in the Library classroom holding office hours immediately following the class.

Berry 180D Meeting Room

  • 2 Desks
  • One desk includes a dock, 2 external monitors, and a camera with a microphone suitable for Zoom meetings.

Berry 180E Meeting Room

  • Meeting table, seats 4.
  • Dry erase board.
  • Wall-mounted digital display with HDMI. 

Berry 180F Meeting Room

  • Desk, includes a dock, 2 external monitors, and a camera with microphone suitable for Zoom meetings.
  • Meeting table, seats 4.