Dartmouth has 6 libraries:
The hours vary by location, so be sure to check. When the collection is not physically open, our digital services are available online 24/7.
Here at Dartmouth there is a librarian assigned to each subject, therefore you have a librarian that is here to help you! If you are looking for articles, primary sources, or datasets, your subject librarian can help. Just ask us!
Find your subject librarian here
If your research is multidisciplinary, you may want to work with more than one librarian. You may also find that your librarian is on leave or simply away when you need them. Have no fear! Any librarian at Dartmouth can help you, your subject specialist will simply be the librarian that is most familiar with your school or department, and the resources available to you.
What might a librarian be available to help you with?
Even if you ask us a question we don't know how to answer, we probably know who can answer it for you!
Your Dartmouth ID is your library card. Log-in to your library account (found on the top right of all library pages), to renew books and check your account. If you are looking for a physical book, use the "Map It" function on the catalog entry to see a map that gives a specific wayfinding route. Students, faculty, and staff can borrow most material for 365 days. Learn more about the borrowing policies here.
Besides books and journals, you can also borrow video and photography equipment, Raspberry Pi and Arduino Kits, board games, and presentation equipment. With your borrowing privileges you also have access to physical and digital media, Scientific American, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal among many more. You can connect to Dartmouth Library resources from anywhere. If you have any issues connecting, please let us know!
Can't find what you are looking for at Dartmouth Library? That's okay! We have the ability to borrow books and articles from libraries all over the world! To set your default pickup location for physical materials to the library closest to you, modify the "Preferred Delivery" under "Update Profile." A second service, Borrow Direct, loans books within the Ivy Plus consortia and often provides longer check-out periods. Each service has its own log-in.
The Dartmouth Digital Commons (DDC) is a publishing platform and repository for scholarly, research, and educational outputs created by the faculty, staff, and students of Dartmouth. Here you can find journal articles, conference papers, and other materials published by faculty and staff. DDC also hosts theses and dissertations, student publications, and more.
We have access to numerous free news sources and other subscriptions that you can make use of:
When you are off-campus you will have to connect to the Dartmouth VPN to ensure to access to several services and software. This is especially true when you are traveling for conferences or just plan on working from home.
If the Dartmouth VPN fails to connect, you are not entirely without access to library resources! Navigate to library.dartmouth.edu, and access the resources directly from the catalog. You may be prompted to log in with your Dartmouth credentials.
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that works on publisher websites to link you to the full-text of articles through the Dartmouth Library or connect you to subscription resources.
Did you know that you can connect Google Scholar to Dartmouth Library?
Using the library homepage, you can use our search bar to access both our physical and digital collections. We try to ensure that most databases we subscribe to have their results available inside our search. However, there are databases that we cannot index to an item level–this especially applies to our business databases. If you are looking for something specific and not finding it, just ask us! If you are looking for a database by discipline, check out our selected A-Z Database list, or if you know the name of the database you are looking for, use the database search for a complete index.
Dartmouth Library does not currently provide a subscription to a citation management software. We recommend using Zotero, a free, open-source citation management software, and we offer regular workshops on the tool. Access our guide on Zotero or ask your subject librarian for more information.
The subject librarians in your discipline maintain curated guides for research in your discipline. These research guides are available on a wide variety of subjects and topics, and there may even be a guide for a course you take or teach. If you are interested in having a guide created for a class you teach, please contact your subject librarian.
Dartmouth offers a variety of research data services. The Library partners with other Dartmouth services like Research Computing and the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP). Check out these resources if you are working on writing a data management plan, need to find data, or want to learn more about research data management.
The Scholarly Communication, Copyright, and Publishing librarians are available to help you understand copyright laws for sharing and using materials, share your research and other materials, and help create open educational resources. Connect with them for research, class, or if you are publishing.
The AV Lab in Jones Media Center is an easy-to-use environment with the training and equipment necessary to deliver synchronous lectures or produce your own videos. The lab consists of multiple camera views and a green screen. Anyone in the Dartmouth community can use it to create a variety of visual media, including high-quality instructional videos, screencasts, and annotated media as well as podcasting. Check out the website for information on how to reserve and use the space.
You will be able to find out what software you have access to by accessing the research guide most relevant to your discipline. You subject librarian may be able to offer assistance in accessing and using the software.
You can download, access, and get help using software provided by Dartmouth ITC. These include survey software, statistical software, operating systems, etc.
Additionally, there may be software offered by your department or, if you are part of the Thayer School, Thayer IT & Computing Services will have additional information.
If you are writing a thesis or dissertation, or have a student writing one, connect with the Institute for Writing and Rhetoric! If you would like to look at past theses and dissertations, we have a guide to help you find them. If you can't find what you are looking for, contact your subject librarian.
The Dartmouth Grand Proposal Support Initiative (GrantGPS) can help you find grants that you are eligible for, and help with all the steps in successfully securing grants.
The Institute for Writing & Rhetoric is available to help students with their writing. They have a program to aid international and multilingual researchers writing in English at a scholarly level. Appointments are available for all undergraduate & graduate students. International graduate students have a faculty member, Betsy Tremmel, dedicated to helping them. The Institute organizes the Student Center for Research, Writing, and Information Technology (RWIT) for peer-to-peer tutoring in Berry 183. RWIT also provides tailored support for Dartmouth classes upon request.
If you want to assign full or partial physical books, ebooks, etc for your students to read for during a term you will have to request to place these materials on course reserves. Library Reserves lists are system-generated within all Canvas courses under the heading Library Reserves/Guides SU22. Faculty add content to these lists if they have reserve readings for the course. The library guide for course reserves (Leganto) is the best way to get familiar with the process.
Canvas is Dartmouth's only Learning Management System (LMS). Library research guides and course reserves (Leganto) are integrated with Canvas. You can get help with Canvas if you need assistance setting up your class.
A part of the library, Jones Media Center, can provide you with everything you need to start a media project. This includes equipment, training to use equipment, recording spaces, post-production help, etc. One can also check out DVD's, video-games, board-games, and equipment for personal projects.
If you are a graduate student teaching for the first time or an experienced faculty member looking for assistance in redesigning a class or an assignment you can reach out to the Dartmouth Center for Advancement of Learning. The center organizes regular workshops and meetups for teaching staff.
Dartmouth Learning Design and Technology partners with faculty to promote more active student engagement and learning through the use of technology.