Search more than four million collections at depositories principally in the United States and Canada. Invaluable for identifying collections in unexpected places. See your liaison librarian for help with this and other archival search tools.
"AIM25 is a free-to-use database of archives and manuscript collections from many of London's higher education institutions, learned societies, cultural organisations and City livery companies."
In addition to finding aids from more than 200 participating institutions, Online Archive of California provides access to more than 250,000 digital images and texts.
The Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool is an online interactive resource to assist users in the learning of the deciphering and reading of manuscripts written in Spanish during the early modern period, roughly from the late 15th to the 18th century.
The main purpose of this book is to create a historical record ... techniques are illustrated that may be useful for teachers today, while the ever-changing views of the stylists provide examples, as well as a warning, to those who plan for the future.
A vast collection of materials documenting the city of Denver, the state of Colorado, and the Rocky Mountain West. Ask your liaison librarian for additional assistance.