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Learn to use the free reference manager Zotero to save time while writing and citing.

Creating & Editing Group Libraries

Creating a Group

There are two ways to create a group library, but both require that you have a Zotero online account.

  1.  New Library → New Group: Select New Library, the brown folder icon in the navigation bar of Zotero desktop, then select New Group
  2.  Navigate to your Zotero online library, select Groups,  and create a new group.

When you create your group, the name you choose will also be the URL of the group library. Perhaps more importantly, you will need to select the membership type:

  • Public, Open Membership - this library can be accessed by anyone from anywhere. Anyone can join the group.
  • Public, Closed Membership  - this library can be accessed by anyone from anywhere, but membership is invitation or approval only.
  • Private Membership - this library can only be viewed by group members and members must be invited.

Once your group is created, you can invite members by email or Zotero username

Edit Settings

Once a group has been created, you can edit three sets of settings:

  • Group Settings - Edit the group name, the description, add disciplines or a Group URL, but most importantly you can transfer ownership of the group to someone new or you can delete the group.
  • Members Settings - See current members and update their roles (role options: Admin, Member, Remove), and invite more members to the group.
  • Library Settings - Edit group type, control who can read or edit the library, and who can work with files in the library.

Storage Considerations

Any group that you are the listed owner of counts towards your Zotero online storage limit. As a Dartmouth associated Zotero user, this amount is unlimited! You can leverage this by assigning group library ownership to Dartmouth users when collaborating with researchers outside of Dartmouth!

You can change group ownership permissions by logging in to your account at Select Groups Manage Library Group Settings to update the ownership. Note that only current owners can reassign ownership, and ownership must be accepted by the new owner before the transfer is completed.

  • Group Owners are responsible for storage
  • Groups with Dartmouth Owners have unlimited storage
  • Groups with Dartmouth Owners can include non-Dartmouth Members and still use Dartmouth's Unlimited Storage