Try adding one of these MeSH terms to the end of your search:
Try adding one of these terms to the end of your search:
You can also search specifically for research instruments in CINAHL. This can include questionnaires or scales designed to obtain data on a topic of interest from research subjects. Research instrument records in CINAHL provide information about the research instrument, including information such as the purpose of the instrument, the population addressed, the variables measured, and more.
Try adding one of these terms to the end of your search:
You can search PsycInfo by the tests and measures used in particular studies.
Don't know the test or measure? Try searching PsycTests (more info below).
You can search PsycTests in a variety of ways; the most straightforward is to search the name or any known details of the test in the advanced search box.
Try adding one of these terms to the end of your search:
Try adding one of these terms to the end of your search: