ACS Reagent Chemicals - Baker Berry QD77 .A54
Chem Sources U.S.A. - Baker Berry TP12 .C44 2009
The Laboratory Companion: A Practical Guide to Materials, Equipment, and Technique
Baker Berry QD53 .C69 1997 (more info)
Comprehensive Organic Chemistry, Sir Derek Barton, ed. (catalog record)
Bak er BerryQD245 .C65 1979
Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1st and 2nd eds., Alan Katritzky, ed.
Baker Berry QD400 .C65 (together, the 1st & 2nd eds. review the field through 1995)
Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry 1st ed., Sir Derek Barton, Koji Nakanishi, eds. (catalog record)
Baker Berry QD415 .C63 1999
Dictionary of Organic Compounds 6th ed. (catalog record)
Baker Berry QD246 .D5 1996
Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds, 2nd ed. (catalog record)
Baker Berry QD251 .R62
Advanced Organic Chemistry (Carey and Sundberg, eds.) 5th ed.
Baker Berry QD251.2 .C36 2007 (pts. A & B);
Comprehensive Organic Transformations, Richard C. Larock
Baker Berry QD262 .L355 1999 (also another copy in the Reference section)
Fieser & Fieser's Reagents for Organic Synthesis (catalog record)
Baker Berry QD262 .F5 (1967-present)
Theilheimer's Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry (catalog record)
Baker Berry QD262 .S94 (1949-present)
Dictionary of Inorganic Compounds (catalog record)
Baker Berry QD148 .D54 1992
Dictionary of Organometallic Compounds, 2nd ed. (catalog record)
Baker Berry QD411 .D53 1995
Seymour/Carraher's Polymer Chemistry (7th ed.)
Baker Berry QD381 .S483 2008
These sites match specific physical & chemical properties with the handbooks and databases where they can be found.
Laboratory Safety for Chemistry Students
Baker Berry QD51 .H55 2010 (check availability)
The Sigma-Aldrich library of chemical safety data
Baker Berry T55.3.H3 S54 1988 v.1-2