To find books within Dartmouth's collection, start with our library catalog - essentially our inventory.
An item's catalog record provides publication info, along with our Location (specific library), Call Number (where it's shelved), as well as the Status (whether it's currently on loan or not).
Lost in the stacks? Maps of Baker-Berry are here.
Ready to borrow the book? Take the book and your campus ID card to the Circulation Desk.
To find books beyond Dartmouth, try a subject bibliography or a large library network catalog, such as WorldCat. Materials not owned by Dartmouth can be requested through interlibrary loan: Interlibrary Loan & BorrowDirect
To find books (and more) here at Dartmouth, search our library catalog.
Every item in the library catalog (book, video, journal/magazine title...) is represented by a catalog “record.”
The catalog record:
* Describes the item, i.e. provides the information needed for a citation
* Provides the information necessary to locate the material in the library
* Includes links to related material (Subject Headings)
Because our general collection is so large, browsing the is a far more manageable once you have identified the call numbers of specific titles. Most material falls in the HM-HV range on Berry Level 3 as follows:
A more detailed summary of the call number system is available from the Library of Congress.
WorldCat covers all libraries in the "OCLC" library network. Items not available in the Dartmouth collection can be requested via interlibrary loan or Borrow Direct.