The most direct way to find films is a keyword search in our library catalog, restricting to the "Videos & DVDs" category.
Most films receive a subject heading indicating genre. There are a few documentary-related headings: “Documentary films”, “Documentary television programs”, and “Documentary-style films”.
So -- to search the catalog for documentary films on a particular topic, try a keyword search for:
documentary and [your search term], limited to the Videos & DVDs category.
Hint: broaden your search term using the wildcard (asterisk *) in order to find spelling variants
There is no single catalog search that can capture all relevant films in our collection. Below are a few pre-scripted searches which gather a starting list. In addition, you'll want to search our catalog for specific countries, directors, etc.
In some cases the most useful images won't be available online -- and are only reproduced in books. Heavily illustrated books are often cataloged with relevant subject headings, but this is not always the case. The "format" field (in details section of record) is the best indicator for whether the title contains illustrations.