Dartmouth subscribes to ASCE, ASTM, and IEEE. Note that IEEE Draft Standards are not included in our subscription.
Standards that have been incorporated by reference (IBR) by a jurisdiction are enforceable as part of the law. They can be accessed in a variety of ways, including the ANSI IBR Portal for those standards incorporated into the US Code of Federal Regulations, or SDO reading rooms. Most of these access options require users to register and many require specific software to access the files.
NOTE: We do not provide subscriptions for these organizations.
Standards development organizations (SDOs) maintain catalogs of their standards. Even without purchasing or subscribing, you should have the ability to search the standards and gain basic information: number, title, status, and revision date. Some organizations will allow you to see a small summary as well.
Governments produce standards for consumer protection, but more often to standardize operations. Governments also adopt voluntary concensus standards created by SDOs.
Handbooks often contain standards or portions of standards related to the handbook's topic. However, it is difficult to search for standards contained in handbooks.
Standards search engines aggregate standards from across many SDOs. We do not currently subscribe to any of these platforms but they may be of use in your search.