The majority of books in the sciences are classified into the Library of Congress “Q” call number ranges (QB for astronomy, QD for chemistry, and so on). Thus, most of Kresge’s books will remain together in their assigned call number ranges in Baker-Berry Library, on Berry Level 4.
An exception is the QA book collection which will be integrated into the Cook Mathematics Collection on Berry Level 3.
Kresge's sizeable collection of books in the Library of Congress "G" call number ranges (physical geography, oceanography, environmental sciences, and related subjects) will be integrated with the rest of the library's "G's," also on Berry Level 4, improving the ability to browse across many interconnected topics.
Kresge's relatively small number of books in other LC call number ranges (those assigned to economics, history, and literature for example) will be integrated into the rest of the Library's collection in the appropriate locations.
Kresge’s journals will continue as a discrete collection, also located on Berry Level 4 with the books. Physical Sciences journals (“PhysSci Journals” in the Library catalog) are shelved alphabetically by title.