A reserve list needs at least one section before content can be added.
Please consult a subject librarian at any time for assistance with searching and finding materials needed for a course.
Citations are sent to the library as soon as they are added to the reserve list. Content may be added throughout the term.
Reserve staff work on lists in the order they are received.
Save a copy of the list for yourself by clicking the top ellipsis and selecting Print.
The Library Reserves system's Dartmouth Libraries' Resources search is less robust than the main library search found at https://search.library.dartmouth.edu.
Use this method to add reserve requests when you:
Within the Library Reserves list,
When materials cannot be found in the Dartmouth Libraries' Search, use Add item not owned by Dartmouth Libraries.
For items the library does not own, contact your subject librarian immediately for purchasing assistance.
Within the Library Reserves list,
1. Click Notes to reserves staff.
2. Type your message.
3. Click Send.