Dartmouth Libraries uses an online system for faculty creation of course reserve lists and for students to access the content through their Canvas course sites. Faculty build their course reading lists by selecting items from the Libraries' search tool, by manually entering citations the Libraries does not own, or by selecting items from the web.
Find your reserve list in your Canvas site, https://canvas.dartmouth.edu/, using the left sidebar tab Library Reserves/Guides.
Create a reserve request by adding content to the reserve reading list. Reading lists are automatically created and linked to your Canvas course. If there is not a list corresponding to the course, please contact Baker.Reserve@dartmouth.edu.
Recommended: Save a copy of the list for yourself. Click the top ellipsis and select Print.
Enrolled students have access to Library Reserves/Guides and Panopto Video when the Canvas course is published.
Who do I contact for help with Library Course Reserves?
Within every Library Reserves reading list, near the top of the right vertical frame is a word bubble icon: Notes to reserves staff. Please submit questions for library staff about your course here. We will respond by email.