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Library Reserves

Instructions for Faculty

Access Library Reserves

Faculty can edit reading lists by connecting to the system through their Canvas site. Use the Canvas course site's left sidebar tab "Library Reserves/Guides"

Reading list templates are automatically created by the system and linked to your Canvas course.  If there is not a list corresponding to the course, please contact

To reuse a list created within the Library Reserve system in SU'22 or after, please email Include the course code, term year of the previous list and the new term's course code. Example: ECON.010.01-FA22 to be copied to ECON.022.01-SP24.
Currently, this includes only media requests that were input into the Library Reserves system in WI'24.


Your course list's name

Your course list's name is automatically generated and matches the course code in Canvas and Banner. Please do not change.

You may add a list Description by clicking on the three dots to the right of the Title.

Leganto List Edit


List Sections

Each course list has a default section Library Research Guide(s), pre-populated with associated library research guides.


Create a new section where you will add course readings, rather than including them in the default research guide section. You may name the section as you wish (Resources, Required Readings, Week One, etc.). You may create additional sections as well.

Tip: The order of items in a course list may change when it is processed by Library staff. Please review your list after the processing is complete. Move items as needed.



Set & view co-editors

  • Add list editors in Canvas (Reading List Editors, a read-only pane): If Administrative Assistants or other support staff will be helping to create your title lists, please add them to your Canvas course, with a user role of "Designer", "TA", or "Teacher". The Canvas authorization carries through to the Library Reserves system. It may take a day for the authorization to update. Their names show here when the systems have synced.
  • When Canvas and the Library Reserve system are synced, view the people with permission to edit your reserve reading list in the Reading List Editors pane at the top right. This is a read-only pane.

Course Reserves Physical Items: Shelving Location

Subject areas are supported by a specific library's reserve processing department.

  • Arts & Sciences: Baker-Berry Library
  • Biomedical: Dana Library and Matthews-Fuller Library
  • Business and Engineering: Feldberg Library

Students ask for the physical materials at that library's Circulation Desk.
If you want physical reserve items to be located at a different library, please use the Notes to reserves staff (right-hand pane) to indicate where your reserve items should be shelved for the term.

  • On physical reserve at Baker-Berry Library
  • On physical reserve at Dana Library
  • On physical reserve at Feldberg Library
  • On physical reserve at Matthews-Fuller Library

and then click SUBMIT COMMENT button.



Course Reserves Physical Items: Loan Length

Please tell library staff if the books on physical reserve for the course should circulate for longer than 2 hours.

In the top right pane Notes to reserves staff, for a longer loan length please specify:

  • 4-hour loan
  • 24-hour loan

If no loan length is specified, the default 2-hour loan will be applied.

And then click SUBMIT COMMENT button.