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Teaching Resources for Engineering

A collection of library resources and information related to engineering teaching.

Request a Library Workshop

If you would like to ask a librarian to come to your class, meeting, lab group, study group, or birthday party*, we're excited to join you! Most of these overviews work well with groups >4 people, but we are happy to meet with anyone with questions. If it's just you, or a couple of you, feel free to make an appointment with a librarian and we can set something up.

*we actually don't do birthday parties. Just seeing if you're paying attention.

Contact Jentry Campbell for more information or to schedule a session.

Course Tutorials and Workshop Offerings

The librarians at Feldberg have many options for class instruction, workshops, or department meetings. Current offerings include:

Meet Your Librarian

This short session can be anywhere from a 5 minute introduction to a short 15 minute overview. We generally cover who we are, what we do, and where you can find us. This is great for the first day of class.

General Library Introduction

This session is 30-45 minutes, depending on what is covered. Basic library information like using the webpage & catalog, finding full-text of articles, using interlibrary loan, the basics of searching (Keywords, Truncation, Phrases, & Boolean searching), and citation management basics.

Citation Management

We recommend that every student and researcher save time and headache by using a citation manager. In this 45 minute workshop, we cover the what and why of citation management and then dive into Zotero.

Database Deep Dive

This 30-60 minute session can include one or many databases that pertain to a class or topic. We will cover the best ways to use the database including effective searching.

Business Resources for Engineers

This 45 minute session is presented in partnership with the business librarians. They cover a handful of basic resources that will help you evaluate potential employers or partners, understand industries from a business lens, or delve into market research in order to launch a product.

Standards & Codes

Engineers will often need to locate standards in the course of their work. This 45 minute workshop provides an overview of standards and codes, and introduces the resources that Dartmouth Library offers.

Build Your Own Session

The library is a vast resource and this menu is not comprehensive of what we can help you with! If you have a special request, please let us know! We can accommodate many mashups.