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Baker-Berry Information & Research Desks: Scheduling: GoogleCalendar


A copy of the schedule for both desks is kept on Google. This is updated every term with the schedule that each employee selected. As a Student Assistant, you will be given access to add substitutes to the schedule, and to search for clarificaiton.

To log-into the calendar, go to:

Log-in using the e-mail you were added to the GoogleCal with, or use the generic log-in information:


PASSWORD: rightnow!

Once logged in, you will see the current day's calendar:

You can then click on each hour that you want to modify.  Clicking on individual hours will bring up the following screen:

Hour Modification

In the ‘name’ section, please keep the person who’s shift it normally is in place and add SUB: Sub’s Name to the end of the event, and click ‘SAVE’ (this particular screen would read: Anna Levine SUB: Greg Potter)

Then hit 'save'

NOTE:  Make sure, when prompted, you chose ‘FOR THIS EVENT ONLY’—unless this is a permanent substitution. PLEASE NOTE: A shift is not completely covered until a substitution has been indicated in GoogleCalendar!

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Wendel Cox
231 Baker
HB 6025 Baker-Berry Library
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755