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Library Reserves

Instructions for Faculty

Submit Your List to Library Staff

If the status of an item is Ready to Send, it has not been sent to the library, and library staff will not do any work on it.

  • To submit your list to the Library for processing, click the SEND TO LIBRARY button at the top of the list.
  • Library staff will work through the list and alert you when materials are ready, or if there are questions about any of the materials.

  • Recommended: Save a copy for yourself of the list submitted to the library. Click the top ellipsis and select Print.

Item Additions After Initial Submission

When the SEND TO LIBRARY button is clicked, the button label changes to LIST SENT. If more materials are added to the list, the button renames back to SEND TO LIBRARY automatically.


Click SEND TO LIBRARY button to submit the additional requests to the library.

Student access to reading list and reserve materials

Reading lists become available to enrolled students from the left-hand Library Reserves/Guides menu as soon as the Canvas course site is published.

Since the reading list is embedded in your Canvas course, please consider that many items on the list may need to be limited only to instructors and students who are associated with the class. Copyright considerations change if a Canvas course is available to the public; it is not appropriate for most reserves material.

Media posted to Dartmouth's Panopto server is viewable only through Canvas's Panopto Video menu. Please do not create links to Panopto films as it causes access issues.

Physical materials on reserve are available for check-out at the Circulation Desk of Baker-Berry, Dana, Feldberg or Matthews-Fuller Library.

To see the Library Reserves page as a student does, click the top right ellipses and then select View list as a student from the dropdown. To exit from student view, click at the right of the bottom blue ribbon.


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