Research Data Services facilitates data- and computationally-intensive research and scholarship for faculty, staff, and students across campus by providing course support, personalized consultations, and assisting in the collection, analysis, visualization, and dissemination of data-intensive research
Digital by Dartmouth Library (DxDL) provides free, digital access to nearly three hundred thousand items from our collections — from classical texts to medieval manuscripts to scientific accounts to audiovisual materials. We can consult with you at any stage of a digital project
Resources, including individual appointments with a dedicated librarian, about copyright, fair use, intellectual property, publishing, and open educational resources
Located on the second floor of Berry Library, the Evans Map Room houses more than 150,000 sheet maps, the latest mapping software, and a collection of atlases, books, journals, globes, and local aerial photographs.
Discover the Book Arts Workshop, a vibrant and unique part of the Dartmouth campus offering students, faculty, and community members the opportunity to explore the arts of bookbinding, zines, printing, and typography
The Jones Media Center, located on the second floor of Berry Library, has a wealth of physical media equipment, recording spaces, editing software, and digital media collections.