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Research Data Services

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Introduction to Text Analysis at Dartmouth

Approximately three-quarters of all digital data is recorded in the form of unstructured texts. Computational Text Analysis methods allow us to systematically analyze patterns found in these texts at scale, whether we are studying tweets and social media posts, or digitized texts from centuries ago.

Researchers from fields as diverse as English, History, Computer Science, Linguistics, Psychology and Brain Sciences, Public Health, and Sociology experiment with and adapt text analysis techniques. Thus, there is an ever-growing need to connect such researchers across disciplinary boundaries.

Here at Dartmouth, the Dartmouth Library and Research Data Services are taking the lead in facilitating inter-disciplinary communication and collaboration. Under our Text Analysis Initiative, we seek to bring together scholars, teachers, staff, and students who share an interest in computational text analysis. We do so in the following ways:

Dartmouth Text Analysis Working Group

The Text Analysis Working Group brings together scholars, students, and staff from across campus who share in interest in computational text analysis. Participants range from expert practitioners and experienced teachers to novices wanting to know how to get started.

The principal communication platform for this group is our Slack workspace. From this workspace, you can learn about upcoming events, find and share resources, ask and answer questions.

To join:

1. Open the Slack app (if you're not already on Dartmouth's Slack, follow the directions here).

2. select the “+” (Add Workspaces) option on the lefthand toolbar

3. Select “Find more Dartmouth College workspaces”

4. Search for “text” and choose “Text Analysis Working Group”.

5. Select "View Details" and "Request to Join".