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Citation Management

Information about citation management, as well as EndNote, Mendeley and Zotero.


EndNote is a citation management software provided by Clarivate Analytics.

Key Points:

  • $249.95 regular price, $115.95 student price
  • “Unlimited storage”
  • Compatible with multiple word processors 
  • Read, Annotate and Search PDFs
  • Automatically get full text from Dartmouth's citation list using this link:
  • Can create an annotated bibliography
  • Looking for the EndNote 9 and earlier tutorials?


A note from Clarivate for Mac Endnote Users: With the release of 10.15 Catalina, Apple has made the decision to drop all 32-bit application support. EndNote X9 for Mac will be extensively updated for compatibility prior to this update; if you already have EndNote X9, please install all updates as they become available to avoid interruption in your workflow. If you are running EndNote X8 or earlier, consider upgrading to X9 as your current version will not work with macOS Catalina.

Looking for our videos on EndNote 9 and earlier? You can view them on Panopto:

Creating an EndNote Library

1.  Open EndNote on your computer.

2.  Select File > New…

3. Give your library a name

Helpful Hints:

--EndNote libraries are files that end in .enl

--Creating a new library also creates a folder with the same name ending in .data. Your library must be stored in the same location as this folder. If this folder is missing/deleted, your EndNote library will not function.

--Pay attention to where your library is being saved. You may find it helpful to create a desktop shortcut.

Creating References Manually and from Article PDFs

Creating References Manually

  1. Select References > New Reference
  2. Select a reference type and fill in the corresponding information.
  3. When you have completed created a new reference, close out of the window and select save.

Helpful Hints:

--You don’t need to fill out every line of your new reference in order to save it, but make sure you have the important pieces (i.e. consider what citation style you’re going to use)

Creating References from Article PDFs


1.  Select File > Import > File…

2.  When prompted, find/select the file you want to import

3.  Under import option, select PDF.

4.  Import

Helpful Hints:

--In order for Endnote to create a complete journal article reference from a PDF, the PDF must have a DOI (digital Object Identifier) embedded within it. Articles that don’t have a DOI can still be imported, but the information will need to be entered manually.

--You can also import folders of PDFs this way by selecting “folder…” instead of “file…”

Attaching PDFs to a Reference

1. From the list of references, select and double-click on the reference you want to attach a PDF to.

2. Then either:

  • At the top of the window, click on the click on the paperclip icon. Select a PDF stored on your computer and select “Open”. 
  • Scroll down until you see the “file attachments” field. Right click within this field and select “attach files” under “file attachments”. Select a PDF and select “open”

Editing References

1. From the list of references, select and double-click on the reference you want to edit.

2. After editing the reference, close out of the window and select “save”.

Removing References From a Library

1. Using the mouse while pressing  the Ctrl key (or ⌘ key), select the references you wish to delete.

2. Drag and drop the higlighted reference from your reference list to the Trash icon on the left side of the screen.

Helpful Hints:

--References are emptied from the Trash when you close out of EndNote. Once the Trash has been emptied, deleted references cannot be retrieved.