We have lots of resources for television news, but many news organizations have their own apps. Within those apps, there may be archives of past telecasts. The "60 Minutes" app is a good example of that. They broadcast a story over the air, have the same story archived and have the "Overtime" segment. They also have a historical archive of well known segments. They now have CBSN which is 24/7 airing online.
These are links to various broadcast news programs. You can search online for other programs.
There is no subject heading called "news transcripts." However, a keyword search for "news transcripts" will show you all the links we have in the online catalog. Searching news transcripts can be a more efficient way to find specific news stories. You would have dates rather than having to use keyword searching.
The history of broadcast and electronic journalism in the United States, from telegraphy to the internet, focusing on the development of and changes to its fundamental relation to the public sphere. We will pursue a contextualized historical understanding of the formats, aesthetics, economics, and industrial organization of these media, in addition to case studies of specific debates, events, and individuals that have conditioned the impact of these media on society. We will invite speakers who have worked in these media industries and/or these histories. Students will be expected to create a digital video project and to write analytical papers, including a research paper.
[Source: Registrar, 05/19/2022]; Dist:SOC; WCult:W
While the majority of books on journalism are in the PN 4699 to PN 5650 range (Baker Stack Level 4), Television broadcasting of the news has the specific call number, PN 4784 .T4. Other works can also be found under PN 4888 .T4 or HE 8700.
Also, look at books that cover television news of specific people or events. These are shelved with the event or person rather than Television news.
Use the catalog to make sure you find everything relevant to your topic.
Radio journalism is similar to Television broadcasting of the news in that both are scattered throughout the PN's.
Useful subject headings for the online catalog include:
Serious looks at television news broadcasts and news gathering.
Whenever you look at a topic historically, you need to know something about the time period. What is a quick way to find information? We have many subject encyclopedias that look at specific time periods in American history. You can use these types of encyclopedias to ground yourself in the happenings of a specific decade. Click here for more possible resources.
Newspapers are a good source for analysis of news programs. Several newspapers have a critic dedication to Television. If you know the critic's name, you can search for their columns. You can also look for "television news programs" and "analysis" to see what you get. If you get a long list, you can use other relavant terms to narrow that search.
The article indexes are good sources for relevant, scholarly works on television news.
Search the online catalog to find more videos.
These are selected resources available through the Web.