This guide is highlights the most important indexes, tools, and resources for those doing genealogical research and family history. Although the Library does not support Genealogy, we do collect many resources for researching family histories.
Call Number: Baker-Berry F 3 .S2 1965 v. 1 - 4 1998 printing
ISBN: 9780806307596
"Probably the greatest work on genealogy ever compiled for the New England area." [See Filby, page 94]. Includes A Genealogical Cross Index compiled by O. P. Dexter.
A good example of the infamous "mug book" that was extremely popular during the turn of the century (thus called "either because of the portraits accompanying the biographies or because the biographies were copied by the publisher without any attempt to check the facts"). [See P. William Filby's A Bibliography of American County Histories, page ix. Baker Stacks Z 1250 .F54 1985]. Use with caution.
Call Number: Rauner Special Collections Ref. F 18 .N68 1976
In addition to biographical sketches of early settlers, this source includes references to wills, deeds, and court cases.
(Text and resources taken from the print edition of: Jaccaud, Robert D, comp. Passages to Family History: A Guide to Genealogical Research in the Dartmouth College Library. Rev. ed. Hanover: Dartmouth College Library, 1994).