This guide is highlights the most important indexes, tools, and resources for those doing genealogical research and family history. Although the Library does not support Genealogy, we do collect many resources for researching family histories.
Names and addresses of organizations and institutions maintaining genealogy collections. Additional information includes adoption registries, computer programs, newspaper columns, periodicals, and newspapers.
Application forms issued by the various civil registration offices and the current procedures for obtaining a birth, marriage or death certificate are given... Simply photocopy the form you need, follow the instructions, and send the fee and the completed form to the appropriate record office. [Introduction].
This standard reference source for locating naturalization records in every state "grew out of a recognized need for documentation of the present location of records relating to the naturalization of aliens prior to 1906." [Foreward].
(Text and resources taken from the print edition of: Jaccaud, Robert D, comp. Passages to Family History: A Guide to Genealogical Research in the Dartmouth College Library. Rev. ed. Hanover: Dartmouth College Library, 1994).