This page has all the resources the library has for the different censuses.
To the right, you see 3 categories:
20th Century,
19th Century and
Pre-19th Century. This category has statistics and censuses from the 17th and 18th century.
"The federal census has proved to be a rich source of material for genealogists, historical researchers, and social scientists, for these decennial stocktakings are a storehouse of facts and figures about the American people. The information is found on the original handwritten census returns (the schedules) compiled by the census takers as they visited all types of households and homes throughout the nation. The data gathered on the original returns provided the basis for the published volumes." [Provenzano, Dominic. "Baker's Federal Population Census Schedules." Dartmouth College Library Bulletin 20 (NS), no. 1 (Nov. 1979): 39-49].
The following lists includes only those published records or schedules (both printed and microfilm) that provide information on individuals or families.
Please note: Our collection of schedules are limited to early New England and/or New Hampshire and Vermont.
17th Century
Connecticut 1670 census
Baker Berry F93 .H73 (Catalog Record)
Early New Hampshire
Baker Berry F33 .J32 1980 v.1 (Catalog Record)
New Hampshire residents, 1633-1699
Baker Berry F33 .H638 (Catalog Record)
Baker Berry F48 .J29 v.1 (Catalog Record)
18th Century
Early New Hampshire
Baker-Berry Library F33 .J32 1980 v.1 (Catalog Record)
New Hampshire 1732 census
Baker-Berry Library F33 .H63 (Catalog Record)
New Hampshire 1776 census
Baker-Berry Library F33 .H64 (Catalog Record)
Inhabitants of New Hampshire, 1776
Rauner Special Collections Library Ref. F33 .W72 1983 (Catalog Record)
Census of the inhabitants of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1774.
Baker-Berry Library F78 .A59 1969 (Catalog Record)
The Rhode Island 1777 military census
Baker-Berry Library E 263 .R4 C48 1985 (Catalog Record)
Rhode Island 1782 census
Baker-Berry Library F 78 .H47 (Catalog Record)
Vermont, 1600-1789, 1791-1799
Baker-Berry Library F 48 .J29 v.1 (Catalog Record)
Vermont 1771 census
Baker-Berry Library F 48 .H7 1982 (Catalog Record)
1790, 1st Federal Census
Includes the name of family head; free white males of 16 years and up, free white males under 15; free white females; slaves; other persons.
Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 ..
Baker Berry v.1-12 Map(s) located in Map Room under call number of text volume (Catalog Record)
Schedules for: Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Vermont.
[Population schedules of the 1st census of the United States, 1790.]
Library Depository 3859r 1790 Schedules for Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont cataloged separately (Catalog Record)
Schedules for: Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Vermont.
[Population schedules of the 1st census of the United States, 1790, Massachusetts]
Library Depository 3858r 1790 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 1st census of the United States, 1790, New Hampshire]
Library Depository 3861r 1790 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 1st census of the United States, 1790, Vermont]
Library Depository 3862r 1790 (Catalog Record)
Indexes for the 1790, 1st Federal Census
First census of the United States, 1790, New Hampshire
Baker Berry F33 .J33 1790 (Catalog Record)
Free Black heads of households in the New York State federal census, 1790-1830
Baker Berry E185.93.N56 E37 (Catalog Record)
First census of the United States, 1790, Vermont
Baker Berry F48 .J33 1790 (Catalog Record)
Vermont families in 1791
Baker Berry F48 .V47 1992 v.1-2 (Catalog Record)
1800, 2nd Federal Census
Heads of families at the second census of the United States taken in the year 1800, New Hampshire
Rauner Ref F33 .T47 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 2d census of the United States, 1800, New Hampshire]
Library Depository 3861r 1800 (Catalog Record)
Free Black heads of households in the New York State federal census, 1790-1830
Baker Berry E185.93.N56 E37 (Catalog Record)
Heads of families at the second census of the United States taken in the year 1800: Vermont
Baker Berry F48 .U55 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 2d census of the United States, 1800, Vermont]
Library Depository 3862r 1800 (Catalog Record)
Indexes for the 1800, 2nd Federal Census
New Hampshire 1800 census index
Baker Berry F33 .J33 1800 (Catalog Record)
Index to the 1800 census of New York
Baker Berry F118 .A76 1984 (Catalog Record)
Vermont 1800 census index
Baker Berry F48 .J33 1800 (Catalog Record)
1810, 3rd Federal Census
This census includes the name of family head; if white, age and sex, race; slaves.
Free Black heads of households in the New York State federal census, 1790-1830
Baker Berry E185.93.N56 E37 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 3d census of the United States, 1810, New Hampshire]
Library Depository 3861r 1810 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 3d census of the United States, 1810, Vermont]
Library Depository 3862r 1810 (Catalog Record)
Indexes for 1810, 3rd Federal Census
New Hampshire 1810 census index
Baker Berry F33 .J33 1810 (Catalog Record)
Vermont 1810 census index
Baker Berry F48 .J33 1810 (Catalog Record)
1820, 4th Federal Census
The census includes name of family head; age; sex; race; foreigners not naturalized; slaves; industry (agriculture, commerce, and manufactures).
Free Black heads of households in the New York State federal census, 1790-1830
Baker Berry E185.93.N56 E37 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 4th census of the United States, 1820, New Hampshire]
Library Depository 3861r 1820 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 4th census of the United States, 1820, Vermont]
Library Depository 3862r 1820 (Catalog Record)
Indexes for 1820, 4th Federal Census
New Hampshire 1820 index census
Baker Berry F33 .J33 1820 (Catalog Record)
Vermont 1820 census index
Baker Berry F48 .J33 1820 (Catalog Record)
1830, 5th Federal Census
This census includes the name of family head; age; sex; race; slaves; deaf and dumb; blind; foreigners not naturalized.
Free Black heads of households in the New York State federal census, 1790-1830
Baker Berry E185.93.N56 E37 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 5th census of the United States, 1830, New Hampshire]
Library Depository 3861r 1830 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 5th census of the United States, 1830, Vermont]
Library Depository 3862r 1830 (Catalog Record)
Indexes for 1830, 5th Federal Census
New Hampshire 1830 index census
Baker Berry F33 .J33 1830 (Catalog Record)
Vermont 1830 census index
Baker Berry F48 .J33 1830 (Catalog Record)
1840, 6th Federal Census
This census includes the name of family head; age; sex; race; slaves; number of deaf and dumb; number of blind; number of insane and idiotic and whether in public or private charge; number of persons in each family employed in each of six classes of industry and one of occupation; literacy; pensioners for Revolutionary or military service.
A general index to a census of pensioners for revolutionary or military service, 1840
Baker Berry E255 .U42 Index (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 6th census of the United States, 1840, Vermont]
Library Depository 3862r 1840 (Catalog Record)
Population schedules of the sixth census of the United States, 1840
Library Depository 3861r 1840 (Catalog Record)
Indexes for 1840, 6th Federal Census
New Hampshire 1840 index census
Baker Berry F33 .J33 1840 (Catalog Record)
Vermont 1840 census index
Baker Berry F48 .J33 1840 (Catalog Record)
1850, 7th Federal Census
Name; age; sex; race; whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic; value of real estate, occupation; birthplace; whether married within the year; school attendance; literacy; whether a pauper or convict. Supplemental schedules for slaves, and persons who died during the year.
[Population schedules of the 7th census of the United States, 1850, New Hampshire]
Library Depository 3861r 1850 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 7th census of the United States, 1850, Vermont]
Library Depository 3862r 1850 (Catalog Record)
Other Census Sources
Vermont 1850 mortality schedule
Baker Berry F48 .J3325 (Catalog Record)
State of Vermont 1850-[1880] agricultural census
Library Depository 4251r (Catalog Record)
State of Vermont 1850-[1880] industrial census
Library Depository 4325r (Catalog Record)
Includes names of individuals and relevant information concerning their business or product. Arranged by country then by town.
Town of Rutland census, 1850-1880 agriculture, industrial, mortality, social statistics, and social supplement
Library Depository 4497r (Catalog Record)
Within the mortality census, a person's age, place of birth, profession, and date and cause of death are among the useful facts included.
Indexes for 1850, 7th Federal Census
New Hampshire 1850 index census
Baker Berry F33 .J33 1850 (Catalog Record)
Vermont 1850 census index
Baker Berry F48 .J33 1850 (Catalog Record)
1860, 8th Federal Census
Name; age; sex; race; value of real estate; value of personal estate; occupation; birthplace; whether married within the year; school attendance; literacy; whether deaf and dumb; blind; insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict; number of slave houses. Supplemental schedules for slaves, and persons who died during the year.
[Population schedules of the 8th census of the United States, 1860, New Hampshire]
Library Depository 3861r 1860 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 8th census of the United States, 1860, Vermont]
Library Depository 3862r 1860 (Catalog Record)
Other Census Sources
Vermont 1860 mortality schedule
Baker Berry F48 .J333 (Catalog Record)
State of Vermont 1850-[1880] agricultural census
Library Depository 4251r (Catalog Record)
State of Vermont 1850-[1880] industrial census
Library Depository 4325r (Catalog Record)
Includes names of individuals and relevant information concerning their business or product. Arranged by country then by town.
Town of Rutland census, 1850-1880 agriculture, industrial, mortality, social statistics, and social supplement
Library Depository 4497r (Catalog Record)
Within the mortality census, a person's age, place of birth, profession, and date and cause of death are among the useful facts included.
Indexes for 1860, 8th Federal Census
New Hampshire, 1860
Baker Berry F33 .J33 1860 (Catalog Record)
Vermont 1860
Baker Berry F48 .J33 1860 (Catalog Record)
1870, 9th Federal Census
Name; age; race; occupation; value of real estate; value of personal estate; birthplace; whether parents were foreign born; month of birth if birth within the year; month of marriage if married within the year; school attendance; literacy; whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic; male citizens 21 and over, and number of such persons denied right to vote for other than rebellion. Supplemental schedule for persons who died during the year.
[Population schedules of the 9th census of the United States, 1870, New Hampshire]
Library Depository 3861r 1870 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 9th census of the United States, 1870, Vermont]
Library Depository 3862r 1870 (Catalog Record)
Other Census Sources
State of Vermont 1850-[1880] agricultural census
Library Depository 4251r (Catalog Record)
State of Vermont 1850-[1880] industrial census
Library Depository 4325r (Catalog Record)
Includes names of individuals and relevant information concerning their business or product. Arranged by country then by town.
Town of Rutland census, 1850-1880 agriculture, industrial, mortality, social statistics, and social supplement
Library Depository 4497r (Catalog Record)
Within the mortality census, a person's age, place of birth, profession, and date and cause of death are among the useful facts included.
1880, 10th Federal Census
Address; name; relationship to family head; sex; race; age; marital status; month of birth if born within the census year; occupation; months unemployed during the year; sickness or temporary disability; whether blind, deaf and dumb, idiotic, insane, maimed, crippled, bedridden, or otherwise disabled; school attendance; literacy; birthplace of person and parents. Supplemental schedules for persons who died during the year.
[Population schedules of the 10th census of the United States, 1880, New Hampshire]
Library Depository 3861r 1880 .no.760-769 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 10th census of the United States, 1880, Vermont]
Library Depository 3862r 1880 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 10th census of the United States, 1880, Massachusetts]
Library Depository 3858r 1880 (Catalog Record)
Other Census Sources
State of Vermont 1850-[1880] agricultural census
Library Depository 4251r (Catalog Record)
State of Vermont 1850-[1880] industrial census
Library Depository 4325r (Catalog Record)
Includes names of individuals and relevant information concerning their business or product. Arranged by country then by town.
Town of Rutland census, 1850-1880 agriculture, industrial, mortality, social statistics, and social supplement
Library Depository 4497r (Catalog Record)
Within the mortality census, a person's age, place of birth, profession, and date and cause of death are among the useful facts included.
Indexes for 1880, 10th Federal Census
[Population schedules of the 10th census of the United States, 1880, New Hampshire : Soundex index]
Library Depository 3861r 1880 Index (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 10th census of the United States, 1880, Vermont : Soundex index]
Library Depository 3862r 1880 Index (Catalog Record)
1890, 11th Federal Census
The General Schedules were destroyed by fire. Supplemental schedules are available for Union veterans of the Civil War and their widows. To see the questions asked, click here.
Eleventh census of the United States, 1890 schedules enumerating Union veterans and widows of Union veterans of the Civil War
Library Depository 1898r Library has Roll. 40. New Hampshire, bundle 101, only (Catalog Record)
Index for 1890, 11th Federal Census
1890 Vermont census index : special schedule of the eleventh census (1890) enumerating Union veterans and of Union veterans of the Civil War
Baker Berry F48 .J33 1890 (Catalog Record)
1900, 12th Federal Census
Address; name; relationship to family head; sex; race; age; marital status; number of years married; for women, number of children born and number now living; birthplace of person and parents; if foreign born, year of immigration and whether naturalized; occupation; months not employed; school attendance; literacy; ability to speak English; whether on a form; home owned or rented and if owned, whether mortgaged.
[Population schedules of the 12th census of the United States, 1900, New Hampshire]
Library Depository 3861r 1900 (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 12th census of the United States, 1900, Vermont]
Library Depository 3862r 1900 (Catalog Record)
Indexes for 1900, 12th Federal Census
[Population schedules of the 12th census of the United States, 1900, New Hampshire : Soundex index]
Library Depository 3861r 1900 Index (Catalog Record)
[Population schedules of the 12th census of the United States, 1900, Vermont : Soundex index]
Library Depository 3862r 1900 Index (Catalog Record)
Federal population censuses, 1790-1890; a catalog of microfilm copies of the schedules
Baker Berry Ref. CD 3027 .U548 (Catalog Record)
1910, 13th Census
13th Census of Population, 1910. New Hampshire
Library Depository 3861r 1910 (Catalog Record)
Thirteenth Census of the United States taken in the year 1910
Baker Berry HA 201 1910 .A15 v.1-11 (Catalog Record)
The 1910 federal population census : a catalog of microfilm copies of the schedules
Baker Berry Ref. CD 3027 .U55 (Catalog Record)
1920, 14th Census
14th Census of Population, 1920. New Hampshire
Library Depository 3861r 1920 (Catalog Record)
14th Census of Population, 1920. Vermont
Library Depository 3862r 1920 (Catalog Record)
Fourteenth Census of the United States taken in the year 1920
Baker Berry HA 201 1920 .A15 v.1-13 (Catalog Record)
The 1920 federal population census : catalog of National Archives microfilm
Baker Berry Ref. CD 3027 .U55 1920 (Catalog Record)
1930, 15th Census
15th Census Population, 1930. New Hampshire
Library Depository 5197r 1930 (Catalog Record)
15th Census Population, 1930. Vermont
Library Depository 3862r 1930 (Catalog Record)
1940, 16th Census
1940 Census. Official 1940 Census Website from the National Archives
Full access to the 1940 census images, in addition to 1940 census maps and descriptions.
"Although no Federal record was ever created specifically to fulfill the needs of the genealogist, the holdings of the National Archives have become valuable sources of genealogical information. Perhaps the richest source for genealogists is the information contained in the Federal decennial population census schedules." [Page v].
Individual microfilm reels, $34.00 per reel, of U.S. census records, passenger ship lists, military service records, etc. housed at the National Archives may be purchased from: Primary Source Microfilm and Scholarly Resource, Inc., 12 Lunar Drive, Woodbridge, CT 06525-2398; telephone 1-800-444-0799; email:
(Text and resources taken from the print edition of: Jaccaud, Robert D, comp. Passages to Family History: A Guide to Genealogical Research in the Dartmouth College Library. Rev. ed. Hanover: Dartmouth College Library, 1994).