Even though the Dartmouth College Library does not maintain an extensive genealogy collection (family histories and genealogical periodicals), it does have an excellent collection of family history-related research materials. These resources include a wide variety of standard reference sources, historical periodicals, New England histories and biographies, newspapers, maps, city directories, New Hampshire and Vermont census schedules, and many unique manuscripts.
This guide is designed to assist the genealogist/family historian in locating and using these resources in the Dartmouth College Library. This is a very selective bibliography and does not attempt to be exhaustive or complete. Careful examination of these titles and browsing for other interesting resources are highly recommended. Always keep in mind this wise suggestion: "The individual starting out to search for ancestors must remember that no one book can tell him or her how to work out his or her lines, for each line represents its own problems ... these lists suggest the starting points for further research." [Doane, Gilbert H. and James B. Bell. Searching For Your Ancestors: The How and Why of Genealogy. 6th ed., p.281]
Please note: the Dartmouth College Library is unable to provide assistance for genealogical or family history research.
(All text and resources for the guide are taken from the print edition of: Jaccaud, Robert D, comp. Passages to Family History: A Guide to Genealogical Research in the Dartmouth College Library. Rev. ed. Hanover: Dartmouth College Library, 1994).