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A definition for Advertising

1. The process and means by which products, services, ideas, and brands are promoted through mass-media messages with the intent to influence audience behaviour, awareness, and/or attitudes. See also above-the-line; advertisement; advertising agency; advertising appeals; advertising campaign; advertising effectiveness; Elaboration Likelihood Model; marketing communications; promotional culture; compare public relations.

2. The manipulative generation of ‘false needs’ which can be met by consumption, promoting capitalist values. See also commodification; conspicuous consumption; consumer culture.

3. The business of linking specific commodities or brands to existing values among target audiences, producing new commodity signs. See also meaning transfer.

4. The shaping of lucrative target audiences around which commercial media content is planned. See also publicity model.

5. A cultural currency of lifestyle imagery reflecting dominant social values upon which consumers draw in the construction of personal identities. See also bricolage; conversational currency; socially oriented advertising; uses and gratifications.


Chandler, D., & Munday, R. (2020). Advertising. In A Dictionary of Media and Communication. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 26 Feb. 2022

Finding Library resources

The main call number range for Advertising is HF 5801 through HF 6182.2. These items are divided between Baker/Berry and the Feldberg Business & Engineering Library. There are other call numbers used, especially when looking at advertising to specific populations. Check the online catalog for more details.

Useful subject headings with which to search the online catalog:

To see a complete list of Advertising journals to which we subscribe, click here.

These programs and films have Advertising as an integral part of the story line. To see more of Advertising in movies and television, click here.

Internet resource(s)

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