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A definition of Persuasion

1. An attempt to induce some change in an audience’s attitudes or behaviour (see also Elaboration Likelihood Model; hierarchy of effects; Yale model). One of the major communicative functions (see persuasive function); distinguished from the information function.

2. A general classification for forms of discourse that aim to influence an audience’s attitudes and/or behaviour by appealing to their reason and/or their emotions. Three key types are religious, political, and commercial (see also communication models; persuasive appeals).

3. In some narrower usage, the use of rational verbal argument—rather than emotional appeals. See also central route; rational appeals; reason-why advertising.

4. Conversely, for some theorists, the use of affect-based appeals—rather than rational appeals; see also associative meaning; image-oriented advertising; nonverbal persuasion; peripheral route; visual persuasion. The power of persuasion: Stuart Ewen

Chandler, D., & Munday, R. (2020). "Persuasion." In A Dictionary of Media and Communication. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 22 Feb. 2022

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