Want an easy way to keep up with the journal literature in Television? And you use a mobile device? You can install the BrowZine app and create a custom Bookshelf of your favorite journal titles. Then you will get the Table of Contents (ToCs) of your favorite journals automatically delivered to you when they become available. Once you have the ToC's you can download and read the articles you want.
You can get the app from the App Store or Google Play.
Don't own or use a mobile device? You can still use BrowZine! It's now available in a web version. You can get to it here. The web version works the same way as the app version. Find the journals you like, create a custom Bookshelf, get ToCs and read the articles you want.
To find books and other resources about game shows, use the subject heading "television game shows". This subject heading will lead you to both the actual programs and books about the game shows. This list below includes other relevant subject headings.
These films focus on game shows.
Articles and other writings about game shows can be found in many publications. Our collection does not include a magazine or journal title which looks exclusively at game shows on television. You can use Film & Television Literature Index to find articles or use the search box at the top of the page.
Find more game shows in the Library's collections.