The first public film screening in South Africa, and probably the earliest on the African continent, took place on 11 May 1896 at the Empire Theatre in Johannesburg. In 1898 and 1899, local filmmaker Edgar Hyman produced a number of actualities, and by the early 1900s numerous film theatres had opened, though these were restricted to white audiences. In 1916 African Film Productions (AFP), a studio created by entrepreneur and media baron I.W. Schlesinger, made De Voortrekkers, directed by Harold Shaw. A historical epic about the settling of the colony, the film depicts cultural and racial kinship between Britons and Boers as against negatively stereotyped black Africans. AFP monopolized film production in South Africa in the 1940s and 1950s and films such as Die Bou van ‘n Nasie/They Built A Nation (Joseph Albrecht, 1938), sponsored by South African Railways and Harbours, explicitly sought to maintain and cultivate Afrikaans nationalism. ...
Kuhn, A., & Westwell, G. (2020). South Africa, film in. In A Dictionary of Film Studies. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2 Jun. 2021
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